Title: “The Neiman Marcus Mystique”
Client: Neiman Marcus
Thats it, I’m gettin a monocle now.
Title: “The Neiman Marcus Mystique”
Client: Neiman Marcus
Thats it, I’m gettin a monocle now.
Title: “Sketchy”
Client: Publix
Agency: 22squared
Directed by: David Wild and Tom Ryan/Directorz
These geniuses break the cycle of pain.
Client: Aberg Center for Literacy
Title: Mothers
Directed: Tom Aberg
Written: by: Tom Aberg
Edited by: Tom Aberg
Title: “Backyard”
Client: The Home Depot
Agency: The Richards Group
Writer: Tara Kirk
Art Director: Kristen Scialo
Producer: Lindsay Molsen
Another tale from the Home Depot’s NASCAR Driver and Matinee Idol. Brilliant!
Title: “The Talk”
Client: Dallas Film Society
Agency: TM Advertising
Director: Jeremy Bartel
Dude gets clowned!
Title: “Laundry”
Client: Publix
Agency: 22squared
Directed by: David Wild and Tom Ryan/Directorz
I see a call to a divorce attorney in this guy’s future.
Title: “Hands-on Healing—Maternity”
Client: California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) Sutter Health
Director: Robert LaTorre/Big Fish
Agency: HCB Health
Creative Director: David Walker
Julianna Margulies, even her voice is beautiful.
Title:“Hands-on Healing—Brand”
Client: California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) Sutter Health
Director: Robert LaTorre/Big Fish
Agency: HCB Health
Creative Director: David Walker
Julianna Margulies, even her voice is beautiful.
Title: “Visitor”
Client: York Air Conditioning
Director: Jordan Brady/Superlounge
Agency: JRS Advertising
Creative Director: Robert Joiner
This guy is just looking for a pal.
“Have a Good Daisy”
Client: Daisy
Director: Tom Ryan/Directorz
Agency: FKM/Dallas
Producer: Paula Jarrell
Expertly edited to a catchy tune.